-Dec 31, 20151 minBE AWARE of the REAL NATUREThere are ALWAYS manmade dangers in the waters of our rivers, creeks, and streams, so be ready. Broken glass, metal scraps, old tires,...
-Dec 31, 20151 minFossil Hunting is for FUNWe are all wanting to find bigger and better stuff than last time, or find our FIRST of something...but a great collection is not found...
-Dec 31, 20151 minRESPECT NATUREAfter a nice day on the water, take home everything you brought. Dont let your garbage become MY problem. ENJOY the beautiful foliage and...
-Dec 31, 20151 minFlodida fossil collectingUse Judgement. There are many Florida laws pertaining to the collection of fossils and artifacts, a hobby many of us dedicate LOTS of...